From Formspring: Not a question, just really enjoy your blog.
Hi there! What a terrific thing to say, thanks so much!---What a wonderful message to wake up to!
Master and i have a lot planned today and as always very little time to squeeze it all into. Tonight we're going out to dinner and we are taking His mom out with us. That's always a difficult task especially when they refuse to use the wheelchair van, they believe that we can transfer her from car to wheelchair/wheelchair to car just as safely as the people from the nursing home. It's simply just not true when they have the training and experience. That's really what it boils down to, experience. Doing it over and over again, you get used to what to expect from the human body and you know how to manipulate people. Family members aren't as confident and that's how people get hurt, usually it's the family members who get hurt, not the patients. But His parents don't want to pay the $40 for the wheelchair van because it's expensive just to drop off and pick up for dinner. So, if we want His mom to go for dinner, we'll transfer her, end of story.
This whole nursing home thing is something that i have always been passionate about. You know most people know one thing really well? So this is my "one thing", there just isn't too much about the ins and outs of nursing homes that i don't know. i might not know all the regulations anymore because i've been out of the game for a while, but i know how they run. i just do, i really really do and when i walk through the door of a nursing home i can sit down and talk to any resident and feel completely comfortable. That's just my gig. So when there's something that Master's Mom or Dad don't understand i feel like i should explain it to them, only they don't listen. Worse yet, they argue and tell me i'm wrong. So this is when i wish Master would tell me to shut my mouth or better still drag me down the hallway by my hair kicking and screaming if He has to just to get me out of the horrid situation. The thing is, Master knows i'm right and He doesn't want me to stop trying to explain things to them He wants me to keep trying to see if i can break through. Sometimes, He DOES tell me to shut up but sometimes i just wish He would play that "Master card" HAHA get it? The Mastercard? ahem... anyway.. and just make me stop for my own good. No damage is ever done to them, they don't care one way or another if i drone on. The damage is done to me. Clearly Master and i care too much and try way, wayyyy too hard. We have to pull back when things go into a tailspin. If they don't want to be helped by us, it's time to stop.
i would qualify the above topic by saying we just want the very very best for them and try hard to help them understand a situation. Most of the time, they'll ask a question and then don't want the answer or argue that the correct answer is wrong. After one or two tries, that's when i need to learn to stop.
If i am completely honest, when Master does pull that "Mastercard" and i am on what i think is a completely legitimate roll, i get really embarrassed, until i'm out of the situation and realize that i should have shut up long before He stopped me.
i'll never understand asking a question about something you do not want the answer. This is for me to work out, not for them. i am very thankful that Master does pull His Mastercard, although sometimes it takes me a while to appreciate it when He does. =)
Peace to you and yours,
MD's treasure
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